Wednesday, April 6, 2016

TED Talk Graphic Organizer

The five critical challenges we're facing today's social media are: Rumors, echo chambers, discussions turning to arguments, hard to change opinions, and shallow people on the internet with what Wael Ghonim said during his TED Talk of the dangers on the internet. Rumors are really hard to control on the Internet because when there is a rumor, it is efficiently really hard to clear it up because once a rumor is put up, it is hard to take it down with people posting stuff and calling you names. Echo chambers can be really hard to be in privacy because they can hack you easily, but if you put a long password or different passwords. Discussions that turn to arguments is common on the internet, but dangerous also because this could lead into other people getting in the conversation and cyber-bullying which it is hard to change your opinion back. Also, finally, there are finally shallow people which is very more common on the internet just by judging your looks or profile, etc.

Some suggestions that Wael Ghonim told his audience on how we can "liberate the Internet" is to engage people into conversations than broadcasting all the time on the internet and to combat online harassment and fight off trolls which means to help a person who is being bullied or told off on the Internet for no reason.